
Still Processing ...

Well, I am back from Africa. I am currently on vacation at my parents house, in Illinois. A few days ago I forced myself to sit and process the past 6 months. It’s not that it was a terrible time  of my life, but probably one of the best times of my life. I gave so much of myself to the girls I discipled in my small group, and while in Africa for 7 weeks I continued to give of myself to other students as well.

It was an amazing time of my life and a growing time. I would love to write this update to you, my readers, and tell you of some crazy awesome memories and/or share pictures. But right now, that will have to wait until another day. I need to process more, because when I processed a few days ago, it wasn’t enough. I journaled for 3 hours at Starbucks, but it was just the surface, and I have much more that I need to reflect and even dig into while I  ask God some tough questions.

However, I will say that Africa is beautiful. I recommend anyone and everyone to go to South Africa… it is stunning with beauty. The land is stunning and the people are friendly with beautiful accents. Mozambique is also beautiful, just in a deeper way. The people are friendly and hospitable, and the land is natural with very few concrete buildings (compared to the US).

Also, I have learned that I love 3rd world countries. There is something about the simplicity and joy in the little things, that excites my spirit. Every morning when I would wake up, I would be  excited and have an expectation for God to do miracles and amazing things, even if unseen by human eyes. I also enjoyed, sometimes, the challenge of the language barrier. I loved that the people there are so hungry for the truth. I love the relationships that I began there and in South Africa, of which I miss tremendously.

Maybe next time will be an update about Africa…