
I Remember When ...

Today I was reading some of my journals that I had written while I was doing my DTS, and I found myself saying things like: "Oh, yeah I remember that!" and "Yeah, that was really good/fun. I remember when...". As I was reminiscing I felt like the last 6 months was all a dream. Here I am back in the real world, and I want to go back to "that dream". I love being home and back in the real world, but lets face it... the real world sucks sometimes. I cannot wait until I get back into doing what I feel like God has called me to do... make a difference in this world through SINGING and writing lyrics. I've had some inspiration to write lyrics since I've been home, but I am rusty at it because I haven't written any poems or lyrics for years. Anyway, I am looking forward to the Fall when I can do a SOW, but until then... it looks like I'm back in the real world trying to do what God's called me to do.