

The outreach teams are gone and in Samoa, Haiti, and Thailand. I am really excited to hear what God is doing in those countries and how He is using the teams to be a positive influence in the people there.

This week, so far, has been quiet around the base as the students are gone and myself and the other staff are preparing for the new students to arrive for the Spring quarter, which starts on Monday.

Next quarter my jobs are reception in the morning and childcare in the after noon. I am really looking forward to getting into a daily routine of my work week.

Today, as I write this I am filled with lots of joy and excitement for this new quarter to begin and also to move into my new home. Tomorrow I will be moving into the furnished  basement of a family who just ended their commitment with YWAM Denver.  I will be living there with another girl on staff, Ilsa. Ilsa did her Phase 2 with me and we’ve been roommates with each other for the past 2 weeks, so it’s been good getting to know each other on a different level than just classmates.


I’m Finally Here

Three years ago I finished my first YWAM school, and I was finally 100% sure about the calling that God had on my life. I was going to be a full time missionary and start off in the states with YWAM, but I didn’t know where. Before I eagerly jumped on the band wagon I needed to be be patient because God wanted me to go to YWAM Denver to do a School of Worship. After completing that secondary school I didn’t know what was next. I didn’t want to come back to YWAM Denver, but God slowly softened my heart and I began feeling like I was going to be on staff with YWAM Denver. I worked to save money for the next school – Phase 2/School of Ministry and Development. Three months after graduating from my 3rd school with YWAM – I came back to YWAM Denver to join staff.

YWAM Denver has become my home away from home.

I am officially a staff member of YWAM Denver. I have committed to being on staff here for a year at a time. I am excited for the next season of my life: one that I have been waiting 3 years to get to. I know that God has great plans for me and how to use me. I am going to meet many people in the next year along with touching the lives of many people of which excites me to the core. :-) However with all of the positive things that are going to happen, I am aware that it is not going to be easy and I am going to grow and mature to a deeper level.

The next quarter doesn’t start until April 5th, so until then I will be helping out wherever is needed. So far I know that I will be helping out in the kitchen, childcare, and maybe housekeeping.

I will post another blog once I know what I will be doing for the next quarter and of anything else that God is doing in my life.
