
Take A Picture It Lasts Longer

Last night I was cleaning my room and my closet. As I was going through things and I thought to myself, "Why do I have all of these things?And do I really need them?". What I tend to do with things I haven't used for a while, or things that are sitting around and collecting dust, is I put them away somewhere and then if I don't used them or even think about them for a few months then I get rid of it.

I'm trying to simplify my life and I don't need things cluttering it up.

Last night I had a hard time parting with some dried flowers that I had from a special occasion. "What was the point of me having them?", I thought. If I just wanted them to remember that special occasion then I should just take a picture because it will last longer.

Then I also applied this to a spiritual aspect. There are things in my life that I try to hold onto and it's hard to give those things up (or get rid of them) but all in all I will be living a happier life if I just get rid of those things that I don't need. Also, there are things just sitting around collecting dust that I need to have either God dust them off (gifts He's given me), or I need to get rid of them completely (things that cause stress, bitterness, hatred, etc.).