

Well, tonight I taught Junior High at my church (there are only 3 of them) for the first time. I am always hesitant when someone asks me to teach, because I do not think that I am able to teach effectively (sometimes I have a hard time explaining things). But I as I was teaching - I wasn't nervous and I didn't have a problem explaining things. I was a little nervous before teaching because my pastor was going to sit in on my class to make sure that I didn't have any problems or questions along the way. But after worship was over - I wasn't nervous anymore. Thank God! :o) But like I said, I think things went well. There is a curriculum that I am going through and I taught on WORSHIP. I was so excited to teach on worship because that is exactly what I plan to get more training on in the Fall.

As I was driving home and thinking about how God had used me throughout the night... Well, I am realizing more and more that God is calling people (especially under the age of 40) to minister to the world. People don't think that they are qualified - so they don't step up into what God is calling them to do. Also, so many people in church complain and gossip about what should be done differently. But no one is doing anything about it. Why not?! Just think... young people could spice up this world... oh wait, the courageous and obedient ones are. ;-)

I also am seeing more of the importance of having ministry in the Christian life. I was told this by many influential people in my life but I am really starting to understand it now that I have my own personal ministry. I LOVE IT!!! It's so refreshing!!!